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Creativity as an exercise in rewriting the everyday, not only in the collections but also how we relate to the world. Maison Valentino continues its conscious journey towards its commitment to environmental awareness also through Valentino Black Tie Fall/Winter 2023 fashion show.
Some of the elements involved in the show – held on March 5, 2023 in the historic Parisian venue of the Hôtel Salomon de Rothschild – are included in a modus operandi attuned to preservation and attentive to environmental impact. The show venue involved benches which have been collected after the show to be entirely reused by the Maison for its upcoming events and projects, while the moquette that covered the entire catwalk perimeter was collected to be entirely recycled, after the show, by its Italian supplier. Lastly, the partnership continues with the French non-profit organization La Réserve des arts, which started in January 2023 with the Couture show Valentino Le Club Couture. The brand has donated part of the textiles materials of the fashion show set up to the non-profit organization with the purpose of fostering circular economy among students and professionals from the cultural fields through creative reuse and artistic circularity. The concept of beauty each season is redefined and preserved, alongside a continuous commitment to safeguard the surrounding environment.
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